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justlikeofficespace OP t1_j1symi9 wrote

Yes. 2 factors behind the low costs:

a.) I'm on a remote-centered work schedule meaning I only have to commute to the office 1x/week.

b.) I drive an alternative fuel vehicle, specifically a compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicle. Typically CNG is 1/3-1/2 the price of gasoline. When gasoline spiked to over $5 or whatever it was, I didn't even blink. I was filling up for around $1.89/gge. [Filled up for even cheaper in March/April for $1.26/gge and $1.30/gge]. A "full tank" of gas costs me me $7-10 and gives me 250 miles of range.

I also track my driving/fuel-ups for the year and here are some numbers.

  • 2022 Total Miles Driven: 4832

  • Total Fuel Cost: $234.55

  • Cost/mi: $0.049