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_iam_that_iam_ t1_j2tla7u wrote

Yes, my handle is definitely a biblical reference. For me I think reading the Bible cover-to-cover made me realize that it just doesn't add up. If God is unchanging, he wouldn't ever command people to commit genocide. He wouldn't command to kill non-Israelite children and then later condemn the killing of Israelite children.

When I allowed myself to take a step back from the Bible and analyze it the same way I would the discussion of Greek Gods in the Iliad, or Native American traditions, or whatever, it became obvious to me that they are all fables. Why try to bend the reality of world history, archaeology, evolution, etc. to try to match a fable? Noah's Ark? Come on.

FWIW, I don't think you're a jerk OP. ;)


jcddyer OP t1_j2u4jln wrote

Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you.