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GRAWRGER t1_j2ogyd9 wrote


you have got to start making food at home


DrSloany t1_j2opfzr wrote

I cannot even imagine going a month straight without cooking at home


authorPGAusten t1_j2pnr61 wrote

If you live alone it is pretty easy. Currently I make basically all my own food and never go to restaurants, but there were times when I ate at restaurants basically every day


Obvious-Valuable-138 t1_j2qjvb3 wrote

OPs in tech, he does not have to looolll


ar243 t1_j2quli4 wrote

At this point, we cook at home "for fun" and because eating out gets boring.


CoupleConsistent5378 t1_j2rrxfd wrote

I switched to only eating out for dinner this year. Saves about an hour of free time every day and I’m only spend $5-$6 more on food per meal, financially a wash if I put a $ valve on the free time gained. Plus the food is better and still pretty healthy


intuser t1_j2oezuv wrote

Wait. You don't poop everyday?

You didn't poop for a week straight! I think you gotta see a doctor. That shit ain't normal


randomo_redditor OP t1_j2oghud wrote

haha yeah, my poop rate is about 38% for 2022 and 2021. it's actually been like that for a while 😅


gibby377 t1_j2oh8i7 wrote

Colace is cheap and available over the counter, that might make you a bit more regular


gpranav25 t1_j2rg1b0 wrote

What's up with people with poop problems being common in this sub all of a sudden lol


drunkenborat t1_j2orn59 wrote

How did you manage to skip pooping for a week in a row? Referring to the late October week #pleaseteachmemaster


vanDerpp t1_j2qzq9g wrote

Probably due to low nutritional value of typical restaurant food. E.g. a lot of meat with a low amount of vegetables will increase obstipation.


Progress-Relative t1_j2oh9gz wrote

You eat out a lot! Is there a correlation to your poop cycle maybe?


DisgruntledGoose27 t1_j2pe23b wrote

Please start cooking and pooping more.


adsfew t1_j2qi1xu wrote

It's something in the food of those restaurants...


randomo_redditor OP t1_j2oc9jg wrote

Source: collected data in google sheets

Tools: Google Sheets, R

If you want to see the previous year's: 2021


ar243 t1_j2quzzn wrote

I think we're the same person lmao. Adderall, remote work, no cooking, coding...

Even the same dual monitor setup with a 32:9 and a vertical monitor on the side.


skidstud t1_j2qn4mv wrote

You showered more than you pooped in 2021. If I made one of these that included pooping, I'd have to add more colours tp show how many times I pooped per day


Demikmj t1_j2op017 wrote

I was going to make a joke about switching your adderall for weed in march, but then I don’t know your life. Maybe some shit went down. I hope you had an OK march. 🙃


4_gwai_lo t1_j2pe77d wrote

You need some fiber and greens.


Lindz11 t1_j2pnwbb wrote

I’m surprised you don’t always poop on the days you have caffeine. I’d love to know how that’s possible 😆


cryptocarlton87 t1_j2oso1t wrote

Literally sent to a friend: like, not a bad year…envious of some of these categories


fortnitefunnies3 t1_j2sz9ty wrote

I like the crying counter. It feels a little more normalized now than a few years ago.


bbradz_ t1_j2t15p6 wrote

Incredible work! I’m wondering how you record all of this / if your willing to reflect in it for a moment, how you’ve managed to get into the schedule of recording it. Keep up the great work 👍

*im interested in setting up a system like this for myself so im naturally interested


the5horsemen t1_j2parab wrote

I accidentally swapped the colors in my head and I was like … DAMN BRUH YOU NEED SOME FIBER AND A HUG DON’T CRY


Improbus-Liber t1_j2pgt6d wrote

Man... I thought I was anal about record keeping. Lesson learned.


JustUrAvrgAsian t1_j2qimv9 wrote

Am I bling or there's a weird discrepancy between work from home and office, how are they both True on the same day. I would assume it's either or. Also, bro how do you do more Adderall than drink alcohol. Lastly, your bowel movements in October are so consistent, 3 days of no pooping every week always on the same days, whats up with that.


ar243 t1_j2quonk wrote

You can do both. I sometimes go to the office in the middle of the day and work from home in the morning and evening, usually to skip rush hour.


WhateverManReally t1_j2r6e1m wrote

Any ideas about what such tracking can be good for? I like the end result and thinking about tracking stuff myself, but I'm not sure what to track even.


CarpenterEmotional24 t1_j2r7ydy wrote

Here are some ideas that might help.

  1. How many hours did you sleep
  2. Have you exercised today?
  3. Did you have an orgasm today?
  4. Did you poop today?
  5. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel right now?

These are some of the things that I've seen in the group. I'm looking for ways to make it look better and interactive which might inspire me to trqck things often like some of the posters have but seems like a lot of them are in tech and knowledgeable in coding so they create it themselves.


cdn121 t1_j2t052m wrote

Someone partied in the 3rd week of march