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makavelihhh t1_j2w1mes wrote


NARMA416 t1_j2wy8iw wrote

I'm well aware of that, but you can't reverse decades of neglect and underinvestment overnight. It's a structural problem that will always hold South Africa back.


makavelihhh t1_j2x5ms2 wrote

I'm sorry but I don't agree. You cannot blame something that happened 30 years ago for something that got incredibly worse from 2016 to 2022.

Maintaining you electrical infrastructure is the bare minimum that a serious government should be able to do.

The problem I suppose is incredible corruption at every level of SA society. This is for sure linked to the Apartheid, but it cannot be used as an excuse today.


NARMA416 t1_j2x5z11 wrote

It's not just the electricity grid - it's healthcare and everything else. The hospital infrastructure was only built for the tiny white minority, but now everyone must use it. You can't build a healthy country on infrastructure that was made for a small few. This can't be solved quickly.