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AftyOfTheUK t1_j36ohhr wrote

Just to confirm, after claiming that the issue of phantom shares/votes were a huge issue, and me pointing out that it's not a huge issue and asking you for examples of who has been harmed by this huge issue, I just wanted to confirm for anyone reading that:

you ignored all of my points, and my question, and tried to change the subject to talk about tax revenues - which I pointed out have nothing to do with your original point, and the problem you highlight is one related to proper recording of income, and not to phantom shares.


pale_blue_dots t1_j37klqx wrote

Booo lol .. you can't even say you agree with the basic tenets and foundations of democracy and voting Booo <smh> lol

I already told you, there are numerous examples in Naked, Short, and Greedy and I'll donate $40 to the charity of your choice if you order and prove you have the book - you don't even have you read it. As well, you can find numerous examples searching for "naked short selling."

The fact of the matter is...

You're a true disgrace and are intellectually dishonest and deceptive. Your grandparents would be ashamed of what you've become - and your grandchildren, if they knew the real you, would want nothing to do with you.

Booo go back to whatever grimy shithole you slithered out of.

... you can't even say you agree with the basic tenets and foundations of democracy and voting.

Edit: ... truly, go back to whatever grimy shithole you slithered out of....

... really. Just go away.


AftyOfTheUK t1_j3lotm6 wrote

So still trying to ignore my questions which you couldn't answer.

Got it.


pale_blue_dots t1_j3ml0lo wrote

It was answered you numbskull.

The fact of the matter is your position on democracy and voting is inconsistent with the near entirety of the civilized and educated world. As such, there's no point even talking any longer. You're a disgrace to everything a "good" andor "virtuous" person is and will be.


AftyOfTheUK t1_j3n637q wrote

>It was answered you numbskull.

It wasn't. You haven't given me any examples of people harmed by the things you're claiming is very very serious and very very bad.

>The fact of the matter is your position on democracy and voting is inconsistent with the near entirety of the civilized and educated world

I haven't expressed any position on that. I'm not sure who you've mistaken for me from another comment.