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GratefulOctopus t1_j2v2r5z wrote

Isn't it crickets?? Or other insect protein. Surprised that wasn't on the list


abercravest OP t1_j2v4kgy wrote

That's a good point. While it isn't common in the western hemisphere, insect farming appears to be well established elsewhere. Perhaps there was a lack of studies or the amount of protein produced simply didn't make the cut?

The study authors had this to say about their sources:

>We derived data from a comprehensive meta-analysis, identifying 1530 studies for potential inclusion, which were supplemented with additional data received from 139 authors. Studies were assessed against 11 criteria designed to standardize methodology, resulting in 570 suitable studies with a median reference year of 2010. The data set covers ~38,700 commercially viable farms in 119 countries and 40 products representing ~90% of global protein and calorie consumption.


GratefulOctopus t1_j2v4ye3 wrote

Thanks for the info!! It's definitely some cool data regardless. Yeah I could definitely see it not being a primary source of protein yet, I just remembered hearing a ted talk about how insect protein is starting to gain momentum because of how environmentally favorable it is. But eating bugs is a little freaky so here we are.


Skylarkess t1_j2vkyuw wrote

Factory farming bugs isn't the solution. Plus there are problems with farming bugs. Its going to be novelty, and that will be the end of it.


GratefulOctopus t1_j2w36tj wrote

Thank you for sharing your opinion with absolutely zero information to back it up


Astronomicone t1_j2w5un5 wrote

Even if it’s better for the environment, getting people to willingly eat bugs is impossible for most people, so it doesn’t seem like a worthwhile avenue to go down for me personally


GratefulOctopus t1_j2wnaf5 wrote

Plenty of people around the world already eat bugs, it's a personal stigma/bias at this point. It is way better for the environment than most other protein sources (1% co2 compared to beef, 10% as much water, way less land sacrifice) and are very nutrient dense. If they're blended up and used as a food additive you literally would have no clue


Astronomicone t1_j2ww5jj wrote

Oh yeah definition it’s 100 percent social nonsense stopping people from doing it, but either way I have a hard time seeing people changing. Especially since at the moment the people who don’t want to eat bugs the most are usually from western countries and are part of the group that needs to be more mindful the most.