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PM_CACTUS_PICS t1_j33979l wrote

This is definitely not almost everything. Even in the categories you have shown, some of the lines stay approximately the same compared to the level of acceptance in 2001.


Shadowkiller00 t1_j32tf18 wrote

Wow. The only one I find truly surprising is the married affair. I wonder if there is a divide between:

"I think my having an affair while married is morally acceptable."


"I think my spouse having a married affair is morally acceptable."


"I think others that are not me or my spouse having married affairs is morally acceptable."

I suspect that there is a lot of, "My married affair is the only morally acceptable one because I have good reasons for it while others are just cheaters."


iohognbdfh t1_j32x0v2 wrote

It's like 10% of people which isn't far off from the limit of people just giving troll responses or not understanding the question.


frizbplaya t1_j33riqf wrote

The US is only 79% literate, so I'm just going to chalk this up to those people guessing.


iohognbdfh t1_j33slgx wrote

That's literally why no poll can ever be 0% or 100%.


Silverlight42 t1_j34o2yt wrote

>The only one I find truly surprising is the married affair.

You could say the same on most of these. Like Polygamy.

"Suuuure, it's fine -- I want 6 wives! Sounds good to me!"

yet if there was someone on their street who was married to half a dozen attractive people, while they couldn't get a date you know they'd be complaining to everyone about how it's all that person's fault for stealing all their womens.


ledfrisby t1_j35jyu6 wrote

I was surprised to see fur hasn't dropped at all.


jxj24 t1_j331igy wrote

"Sticking your nose into other peoples' personal lives" remains evergreen.


refreshing_username t1_j343ttp wrote

Is there a category for "It's none of my fucking business what people do privately?"


Bugsarecool2 t1_j35hulh wrote

People are okay with the idea of polygamy because they are ignorant and think of consenting orgy. The reality is a very sexist system that devalues women mostly. Ironically it is less condemned today in the face of increasing girl power.


jasonreid1976 t1_j37iw7c wrote

I think that's in part to the success of Sister Wives. They do paint it in a very positive manner even if it is in the respect of a fundamentalist Mormon family. My wife loves that show. I respect their religious freedom, but it's a shit show for me.

I'm OK with Polygamy as long as all members of the relationship are happy and no one person has say over the others in the relationship.


Pearl_krabs t1_j32vqp1 wrote

Isn't that the case for pretty much all of American history?


_OriamRiniDadelos_ t1_j35khr7 wrote

I don’t know, could be a stereotype thinking that history is always going “forwards” and more enlightened. Sure, n general it is, but in the last 200 years specifically? Maybe there was a decade in the 1700s where people became more puritan than their grandparents. Maybe a religious revival or a moral panic or a new pseudoscientific understand of cheating


Pearl_krabs t1_j36lx7w wrote

More puritan than the puritans? Sure, let’s start with I don’t know and then speculate.


HarlanCedeno t1_j34au1d wrote

I want more context on the pornography bump


KobraKy0 t1_j34fsx5 wrote

I have a guess. The Trump- Stormy Daniels thing and all the trump supporters at that time decided there is nothing wrong with porn. What do I have to support this? Absolutely nothing.


WordsButFunny t1_j35qkmz wrote

I want this to be the top comment so we can get more suggestions.


11160704 t1_j32xltw wrote

Poenography surprisingly low.


GameDoesntStop t1_j356pv0 wrote

Seems insane to me. By overall sentiment, pornography is less moral than abortion. What?


THEemato t1_j339y4j wrote

Pov : sick libertarian morality


acvdk t1_j33rggp wrote

Idk, I mean I know someone who’s parents were furriers and they said they basically closed up shop after the 08 recession. They just do storage and reconditioning now as new fur sales have basically no demand.


NAU80 t1_j37m5be wrote

Where would you wear a fur coat? Most of the events have gone more casual over the years.


wintermute93 t1_j35blvt wrote

Red team: nothing is true
Blue team: everything is permitted


teeyodi t1_j35ghtm wrote

Judging by the past two years it seems that more people are just fine with treason. Especially if their party is the one doing the insurrection.


patienceisfun2018 t1_j35schr wrote

Surprised at how low pornography is and that animal fur hasn't gone down recently.


tehmlem t1_j35zmbc wrote

Fur and gambling are the only two that I see an issue with. In both cases it's less that individuals shouldn't engage in it and more that the industrialization of it is horrific and destructive.


pncohen OP t1_j32qo0n wrote

My figure from Gallup data made with Stata


Berlin72720 t1_j355zlr wrote

The title is so deceiving. Interesting data but the title ruined the post.


MostRadiant t1_j35hf3u wrote

Okay, so I’m not crazy. Thank you.


tosesi12 t1_j35yu7a wrote

Why such a short time period? Seems pretty incomplete dataset if ask me.


GlobalPro1 t1_j36e7ab wrote

Yep…life’s beat us down. We don’t gaf anymore.


Objective_Way_2342 t1_j37p3kl wrote

Marriage affair and animal fur stayed pretty consistent


KrzysziekZ t1_j37uc79 wrote

Homosexuals are almost as unaccepted as unmarried hetero sex. That's surprising for me.


glowdirt t1_j3a110d wrote

I'm glad to hear "married affair" is holding steady near the bottom


vt2022cam t1_j3e7e1p wrote

That’s now how I’d describe the info presented. They seem to be areas that still aren’t accepted. Married affairs being noteworthy.


Abject-Bedroom-6380 t1_j3qp3ua wrote

As a foreigner, this looks awful to me. More than half the americans think a person should have sex for a first time in his twenties. And more than one in four think sex shouldn't happen out of marriage? It's like noone actually considers how this affects ones self esteem, motivation to socialise, skills e.t.c.
No wonder why there are groups on reddit for pickuplinery and douschebaggery and how life for men before 30 sucks. And only like 30 percent approve pornography? This a seriously sexually repressed culture... I am at the same time disgusted and sad...


loosingwait t1_j3sun2k wrote

i wonder why porn had that sharp rise and then went back down


ryansdayoff t1_j32up7m wrote

Is there anything that Americans are less accepting now a days?


iohognbdfh t1_j32wtdp wrote

I'm sure you could easily name dozens of things. Unclear why OP just arbitrarily chose these.


r0ndy t1_j32x560 wrote

Their own well being from wearing a mask?


ryansdayoff t1_j32yd01 wrote

Booo personal health and communal responsibility is cringe!


r0ndy t1_j32ynwg wrote

Hot button topic for some. Who knew?! 🤷‍♂️


DisgruntledGoose27 t1_j34c805 wrote

Hoarding resources that are essential for life to profit off of the scarcity


ryansdayoff t1_j34sz4z wrote

Water ain't a right, it's drip or drown /s


DisgruntledGoose27 t1_j352fya wrote

Rain water is no longer safe for human consumption as of last year and may some day be unsafe for agriculture. Some consider this a good thing. I disagree with these people. Water, air, and land belong to the earth and access should be human rights. Yes having contaminated water means you now have to purify it and sell it rather than just use wells or irrigate with river water and this is “good for the economy” because it “creates jobs” and profit but to me this is dystopian.


mcshadypants t1_j341pg0 wrote

How the fuck is doctor assisted suicide so low


EnjoyPotatoes t1_j351ysk wrote

The correlating decline of society is entirely coincidental. Pay no attention.


Albertsongman t1_j33bhs0 wrote

This isn’t necessarily a good thing. … People may be shell-shocked from pandemic, political & ideology division, anti-intellectualism and social media warping our sensibilities.
