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dsafklj t1_j3btr63 wrote

It's a bit odd to talk about the Therapeutic Index of something like ethanol. AFAIK ethanol isn't really used to treat anything (except perhaps ethanol addiction withdrawal or maybe some type of poisoning) so what's a 'effective treatment dose' (numerator of Therapeutic Index) of ethanol even mean? Feeling tipsy? buzzed? Wasted?

Also would have been interesting to include some medications with relatively narrow Therapeutic Indices. Acetaminophen/Tylenol and Warfarin/Coumadin come to mind as widely used medications with quite narrow Therapeutic Indices.


theggman_ OP t1_j3buezd wrote

in this case i estimated the ED50 as getting high (not dunk off your mind, just enough to see significant activity), i know there are other drugs that have narrow therapeutic indexes but this was intended to be a review of commonly used recreational substances