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Jeepcomplex t1_j68lrgf wrote

Interesting how a gang of cops publicly executing a citizen via torture can dominate the news


End3rWi99in t1_j69k1a0 wrote

What's more interesting is how it'll exit the news cycle about as fast as it entered it. We'll have the same Trump/DeSantis articles for months and months though.


Laxwarrior1120 t1_j6bglbl wrote

Well yeah the people who did it got arrested immediately what more is there to report on, especially since the media can't make it a race thing either.


Tomoromo9 t1_j6c3ni8 wrote

And they’re not allowed to make it an abuse of power/structural issue thing


handsomehares t1_j68pzp9 wrote

I’m not sure interesting is the word I’d use


iiioiia t1_j6a840h wrote

I think it is immensely interesting, because the consequences will follow the same general script as always and nothing will change.

That nothing ever changes is interesting!


OhGodNotAnotherOne t1_j68y9g9 wrote

Crazier how it seems it's almost gone completely from reddit already.

I've seen exactly ONE post on it.

Just one.


Ztaxas t1_j6913z9 wrote

With 60k upvotes? Using the general rule that only 1% of people interact with content other than viewing it (ie rating), it means it reached over 6m people.


OhGodNotAnotherOne t1_j696sax wrote

Sure but stuff like this usually ends up plastered all over. Memes, serious discussions, etc.

I was surprised to just see one post.

Apparently I'm alone in thinking it's an interesting development, perhaps it's better to forget the whole thing and just move on to something important, like changing how M&Ms dress?


Vic287 t1_j69ayr5 wrote

It's because the cops weren't white.


TightEntry t1_j69t5xs wrote

It’s also because the cops were fired and charged with murder. What is the impulse to protest/riot?

Yeah what happened is bad, and it casts yet another harsh light on the realities of police in America, but at least it is being recognized for the heinous act that it is.

There is no “following my training/feared for my life” defense. Police unions aren’t lining up to defend the murderers and the police chief called the act out for being particularly bad.

I guess this is progress since the Rodney King beating.


dtreth t1_j6aou1n wrote

If the officers were white we wouldn't have seen anyy of that


Valhallapeenyo t1_j69myte wrote

Yeah, there’s no denying it at this point. These cops absolutely brutalized this kid, 110% murdered him. The lack of coverage this story has gotten compared to…. Similar incidents… is absolutely fuckin mind blowing.


caroticum t1_j69tylg wrote

Huh you were quite right. I checked my posts and they all seem to have 0.5-1% of interactions


1337haXXor t1_j69tymh wrote

1%? Wow. I would've guessed maybe 5-10% or something. Interesting.


elastic_psychiatrist t1_j69xbp3 wrote

Lol what? Half of r/all was posts related to it last night, all with over 50k upvotes.


OhGodNotAnotherOne t1_j6ajsu3 wrote

I'm speaking about my experience, not yours.

I don't even know who you are or your reddit habits to even begin to tell why you saw hundreds of posts and I only saw one at the tjme (3 now, since I originally posted, including the mugshot post that's at the top now).


anubus72 t1_j69pwg1 wrote

So many subreddits have rules that cause posts about it to be deleted because it’s "political" (see r/videos)


Dravous t1_j6ahc3c wrote

there's a reason, but that's all I can say.


DutchNotSleeping t1_j694239 wrote

I'm sorry what? What did I miss?


myasterism t1_j69msvs wrote

5 black cops in the same city where civil rights activist Martin Luther king jr was killed, beat to death a 140lb black man who was unarmed and crying out for his mother, after they detained him for no good reason. The five black cops were unceremoniously denounced by the police department (the only “good” thing to happen in this whole mess), while the white officer whose body-cam footage has been all over the place was not disciplined, despite the lack of any attempt on his part to intervene in the cold-blooded killing his coworkers were committing.

It’s heinous.

ETA: I grew up in Memphis (where this happened) and wish I could say that I’m even slightly surprised by it, but it’s heartbreakingly and infuriatingly predictable.


GenerikDavis t1_j6a3bvj wrote

As the other people said, a 29 year old was beat to death.

Skip to ~38 minutes for a camera on a street light(I assume) that shows the whole thing. The first 38 minutes have the initial encounter before Tyre runs from them since he's scared for his life, and then 2 perspectives of them catching up to him and beating him. To warn you ahead of time though, it's literally them beating someone to the point that they died 3 days later. Like a soccer kick to the head, a cop breaking his baton from hitting him so hard, and 2 cops holding Tyre up while another punches him in the face. Its a top contender for the worst police behavior I've seen on camera.


grubas t1_j69yvpx wrote

It's the video.

It was always a story, fairly high up, but it wasn't THE story until the video dropped. The fact that they fired and went after the cops FAST got a lot of attention. Then the police, feds, and family asking people to remain calm and not riot 24 hours before release meant it was going to be bad.

Now it's going to be a dragged out legal process, which is much less easy to push compared to a 10 minute execution.