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Jrubas t1_j60862y wrote

More like the media is downplaying his constant stumbles, bumbles, and controversies whereas with Trump, they shoved them down everyone's throat on an endless loop. Let's not forget that if Trump gained five pounds, the media would pounce on it, but Biden can stumble around talking out of his head about record players and his hairy legs, and the media give him a slow clap.


nsnyder t1_j60a56r wrote

No one knows or cares what the media is saying about him, the whole point of this graph is that people just aren't paying much attention to him. He's not a reality TV star and the news is back to being boring stuff no one watches rather than competing with reality TV.


Jrubas t1_j60gm6k wrote

People aren't paying attention to him because CNN, MSNBC, and other news outlets aren't hyping up every little thing he does wrong. Fox News does but outside of that, Biden operates with impunity. Imagine if the Ashleigh Biden diary was being given the same amount of coverage as anything Trump did. Imagine if the Hunter Biden laptop story wasn't covered up and banned from social media the way it was. Imagine if you had a thousand doomsayers picking apart Biden's mental and physical health all day, every day. I guarantee you that more people would be like "hmmm, what's this all about? I better look it up."

Though I'll give you this: At this point, a lot of people are tired of hearing about Trump *and* Biden. That's a big factor as well.


myspicename t1_j64h1jm wrote

Nope but Fox News is. So I guess they don't matter.


Jrubas t1_j64nlyo wrote

Fox News is a lying propaganda machine too. None of these media outlets is objective. They're all biased one way or another and staffed by lying scumbags. And that's just the news team. The pundits are actively evil and work night and day to continue dividing us. If there's a wound on the body politick, you can count on these assholes to rub dirt and broken glass in it.