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Jrubas t1_j60an91 wrote

A good part of the reason is that the media treats Joe Biden with a level of care and delicacy that they didn’t use with Trump. I’m not defending Donald Trump, he made a lot of his own controversies, but don’t sit here and pretend that the media isn’t every bit the left-wing attack dog it’s been made out to be. Donald Trump gained, like, five pounds, and the media went on for days about how unhealthy and unfit he was. Joe Biden literally stumbles around like he’s lost and talks out of his head about record players and leg hair, and no one bats an eye. He sat there, an ancient man with glowing pale skin, and told black people that they weren’t black if they didn’t vote for him. He got a teensy little slap on the wrist for it, nothing more.

If the media spent as much time on Biden’s failings as they did Trump’s, I’m sure that little blue line would be a bit higher. The problem is that they don’t. Look no further than when Katie Couric covered up comments by RBG “to protect her reputation.”

That’s the media in a nutshell. Covering up for Democrats to protect their reputations.