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cmo088 t1_j3o9rps wrote

I don’t know if this is better or worse than the guy who went a week and a half without doing his business


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3ob1t0 wrote

I think better, but only slightly. The 3 or less days aren't bad at all.


SirWitzig t1_j3rac3f wrote

At least you can say you're not full of crap on most days.


FrankieGS t1_j3o70ij wrote

Five a day? Are you a bird?


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3o751j wrote

The 5+ days are always tough. No lie.


TwistedSnoopy t1_j3psjaa wrote

What does your diet look like those days? I've had those days from too much beer or spicy/processed foods


SirThatsCuba t1_j3qa2s9 wrote

Like, I pooped this much when I had a colon, before I had to have it removed


PraetorianOfficial t1_j3smvse wrote

I had the runs most days for about a year and I finally went to the doc who sent me to the GI doc who said "colonoscopy" which said "nothing to see here but a few polyps we removed". I asked "what about the constant runs?" "Dunno--no signs of IBD--just IBS-D I guess". $2500.

I figured it out. Apparently sometime the prior year or two I developed an intolerance to jalapenos. As I did Mexican or spicy chinese every three days, or so, it was just a constant issue.

Removing Jalepenos from the diet didn't totally fix the problem, but it's much better.


davidco94 t1_j3o6mbt wrote

People poop 5 times a day? Wtf


HeMightBeDoc t1_j3o8ig0 wrote

Not healthy people


notofyourworld t1_j3ogavw wrote

"Oooh interesting" *clicks image

"So many colors, must be for types of poop" *looks at legend

"Are the colors backwards?"
"That's a lot of pinks and blues"
"WTF, am I holding in my poops?" *starts to sweat
"Do I poop too much in one sitting?"

"Oh, this data is very important to this individual" *wipes nervous sweat from brow


xtaberry t1_j3qt52u wrote

The rule for poops is generally 3 poops in 1 day to 1 poop in 3 days. If you are within that range, have no symptoms of either diarrhea or constipation, and everything feels normal for you, you probably have fine poop habits.


Docile_Doggo t1_j3smi3m wrote

Thank you for easing my hypochondria, kind redditor. Sincerely, a twice a day pooper


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3o6qb6 wrote

A simple way of tracking via Excel spreadsheet.


I have quite a few problems with my reproductive health, so the goal of this was to see

  1. how menstruation impacted the amount of poops I have.

  2. Show my OB/GYN I really meant it when I said I think I poop more than the average person.

  3. Sheer curiosity.


beeeeeeeeks t1_j3o6z2u wrote

Next year also track the number of cups of coffee, and then ass-ess the consistency of the stool. Roll it between your fingers to get a good sense of consistency if you don't already have a suitable device in your bathroom.


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3o79zj wrote

I am mostly caffeine free. I have about one cup of coffee a week.


beeeeeeeeks t1_j3o7eem wrote

Oh, I envy you. I hate being a slave to the bean.


Bikeological t1_j3q7yq4 wrote

I think you should make an effort to get rid of coffee in your life then. Flick the bean, so to speak


Crap_at_butt_dot_com t1_j3qdnmv wrote

If you’re making your own, try slowly blending in more and more decaf. Maybe start at 25% decaf and increase 25% each week. Later you can use a caffeine free sub and do this again (teechino, postum, chicory, etc)

Then like any other addiction, know that you can be susceptible to fall back quickly. Watch out for it, especially early on.


beeeeeeeeks t1_j3r28su wrote

Good point. Next time I hit up my bean broker I'll pick up some beans to blend a half-calf. Typically when I try to get on the wagon I'll cycle to tea and cut back on that (until I find myself drinking tea in the shower)


LAUSart t1_j3pfbbp wrote

Try to stop once in a while. I was addicted too and thought I couldn't stop. Then one time I stopped and it worked. Idk why it worked. I do know cafeïne is a useless drug. You realize that after you've quit.


beeeeeeeeks t1_j3pk96w wrote

Thanks! I'm glad you went crispy clean--no caffeine! I find it hard to write code and get in the zone without a little extra oomph.... But you are right, now is always a good time to try and cut back. Unfortunately I just moved in with someone who has a really nice espresso machine :(


masterdecoy2017 t1_j3qr0po wrote

There is also a sheet to track coloring. Can't be too thorough with data!


__420_ t1_j3p36bz wrote

I usually have a monster poop around 8am every morning and that's it lol


AugustCharisma t1_j3q83ke wrote

Me too! No one else in my family is like this, but for me it’s almost always within 10min of moving to sitting/standing in the morning. Like clockwork.


__420_ t1_j3q8mpa wrote

I like to call it the morning ritual 😇


DumpsterPanda8 t1_j3of9eg wrote

This chart is pooptacular. Thanks for sharing.


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3oukxi wrote

Glad you enjoyed my poop chart. I enjoyed making it.


rotyag t1_j3ony6t wrote

Here's an off the wall thought. I have issues when I don't use a bidet. Paper an my butt are enemies. It leads to discomfort and frequent pooping. I think it might cause internal irritation that drives my anus into producing smaller but more frequent amounts. Normal diet and all, 1 per day is my pace. When we travel and I don't have the toilet fountain and soap cleaning me up, 3 to 4 can become a reality even when I'm watching my diet.
Hope you get it figured out.


godmadetexas t1_j3poly5 wrote

I’ve only shat once a day for most of my existence. Unless I had diarrhea.


generalistherbalist t1_j3pw6u4 wrote

Menstrual cycle around the 20th, ovulation around the 10th ish? If menstrual cycle impacting that much, maybe endometriosis. Certainly worth a GI consult- excellent data. 10/10, will make a doctors life easier.


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3q0sw2 wrote

Yes, I have Endo and PCOS. Hoping this helps my OB figure some stuff out


ForgetfulLlama655 t1_j3qrm9y wrote

Yeah I was surprised at how many cycles you had. I'm being tested for PCOS because of the opposite, I have only a few a year. It's interesting to see the difference! Nice chart.


generalistherbalist t1_j44eo91 wrote

Endometriosis can cause bowel adhesions, and guts that don’t move well can lay the groundwork for small intestinal bowel overgrowth. Irritated muscles from endo can spasm and spasming muscles can cause diarrhea too. It’s a whole cluster and it will be easier to work on with this info.


ianhillmedia t1_j3oqxkt wrote

Is there always a torrent of data on poops around the first of the year in this sub?


xmjp t1_j3om9zl wrote

You should hang out with the shit blanket lady on TikTok. Think you’d get along


foxfirefinishes t1_j3pjepc wrote

You should get that looked at by someone with a background in mining or spelunking.


multi_tasking t1_j3q4vkf wrote

This makes me feel better about myself. IBS + Gluten Intolerance + some kind of anxiety trigger and even I rarely hit the 5+ days. Though most days are pretty annoying anyway.

Will say cutting out all the bread from my diet REAAALLLLY helped, along with getting rid of soda ( which hurt but it angers up the stomach ) and now some days its even manageable!

Gluten intolerance is kind of a pain to really figure out - gotta test for celiac, comes back negative. Cut out gluten ( breads + a ton of other things which you wouldn't expect to have gluten ) - see if symptoms improve. They did - re-introduce the foods and see if symptoms get worse - They did? Welcome to gluten intolerance.


warhead1313 t1_j3otm20 wrote

I'm glad I don't menstruate (since I'm a male, men do not menstruate)

you have like 2 weeks of freedom each month


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3ou4uy wrote

So, to be fair, I menstruate more than the average person. My cycle is abnormally short.


jek9106 t1_j3pp1jl wrote

Me too. 15 cycles last year. Siiigh.

I really expected the higher poop counts to coincide with your period. I've never tracked it (yet), but it sure seems like they are a package deal for me.


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3ppsed wrote

15 cycles a year moon sister! I hate it here.

100% they're a package deal. It's because the uterus and rectum are so close to each other physiologically. The body gets the cues messed up.


AugustCharisma t1_j3q8kz7 wrote

But looking at the chart (disclaimer: I’m a scientist and see a lot of data) it doesn’t look like a package deal.

I would create a “score” for your periods (just use number of poops and average them for those days). Maybe both sum and average. Then repeat for the week after. Then repeat for the week before. (I’m using week loosely.) Then average all scores per category. So you might go to your OBGYN and say “after tracking 15 cycles, I poop x times with an average of Mx during my period but y and z times in other weeks with averages of My and Mz”.


AugustCharisma t1_j3q8uve wrote

Looking at the dates/seasons/weekends… it looks more to me like physical activity/exercise is correlated (you mentioned you’ve already looked at allergies). But scores will be good to check your hypothesis that it’s period related.


Zeppatto t1_j3oud7b wrote

and my wife complains when I drop more than two.


gwenver t1_j3q74p9 wrote

I find this particularly relevant as I'm having a poop right now.


CalculatedCody9 t1_j3q7tm4 wrote

Looks like you gave a shit for this graph!


data_rake t1_j3q8qmz wrote

How do you even have time left for living life when you shit so much?? Wtf


Crap_at_butt_dot_com t1_j3qe9ck wrote

Great dedication to data gathering!

It would be easier for me to visualize if the color scale were simpler and more directional (this one goes back and forth to my eye). The greys in the beginning and purple at the end blend together when I look at this on screen. That obscures where there are highs and lows. If it went white to black in one direction it might be easier. Rainbow is good for these too, but typically red feels like a problem or limit that you don’t want to exceed. You could also bundle some ex: 0, 1, 2 or more per day.

Are you thinking menstruation is correlated? Or are you looking to see if it is? If so, maybe you can rearrange your data to show poop qty trends relative to days before or after period start.


SomethingMoreToSay t1_j3qemyc wrote

I appreciate that most people here want to talk about the data rather than the presentation, but this sub is 'data is beautiful' rather than 'data is interesting', so...

Personally I think the colour scale isn't at all helpful. There's no progression of colours, and no easy way to spot patterns. The presentation would be hugely improved by the use of a conventional colour scale, such as dark > midtone > white or red > yellow > green.


AlmightySandwich26 t1_j3qjy9z wrote

The data is beautiful, but the colour presentation is not.


jockero701 t1_j3qk0ud wrote

While everyone is busy talking shit, I would like to take this opportunity to comment on the terrible colors. You could have used a gradient.


Prestigious-Rip-6767 t1_j3ofofj wrote

how do you keep record of such data? what tool or app?


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3ouhmc wrote

I tracked on an excel. I just did it at the end of every day.


lmea14 t1_j3p1u03 wrote

Thank you for your research into this matter.


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3p3lq8 wrote

My commitment to science knows no bounds.


2dP_rdg t1_j3qmujv wrote

i want to downvote because that was a great opportunity for 'bowels'.


J77PIXALS t1_j3qwsu1 wrote

I thought that you were me because of your avatar.


rey_as_in_king t1_j3p3oz4 wrote

I'm assuming you've ruled out common allergies and tried many stupid diets already? had cameras in both ends etc


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3p3vfa wrote

No to cameras, yes to everything else. One goal of tracking was so I could show my doctor and see what she thinks for moving forward.


Gigzla207 t1_j3psrmx wrote

now if you do it again but track what you eat and drink you could see the correlation . For me its Beer and milk that sends me to the bathroom 5 times a day


kjpmi t1_j3pt1lw wrote

I’ve come to realize that everyone on Reddit is either pooping waaay to infrequently OR pooping waaay too often. There is no middle ground.


richtakacs t1_j3q070c wrote

So many poop charts are coming now, y'all


oberbayern t1_j3q7wjp wrote

You had days with zero poops? I could scale the number, just start with 3 and go up to ten. Ready to go.


yolotypeofguy t1_j3qml31 wrote

You know this is probably the definition of oversharing?


Southern_Cut_4636 t1_j3qn13t wrote

Not to be a party pooper, but I feel that this is made up. What woman would misspell “menstration.” Hardy har har


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3sjfzt wrote

On my god I forgot the u. Not fake data, just pretty intense dyslexia. Embarrassing I can't fix it.


Phyrexia606 t1_j3qu37c wrote

Finally someone I can relate to. Two a day is absolute minimum for me and oh it is a rare day. I blame Lactose intolerance, coffee 3 times a day, stressful work. Cut bread also, but no difference huh. Have a great day my frequent poopers.


J77PIXALS t1_j3qwjyi wrote

5+ poops per day was something I never really thought could happen regularly lol


svn380 t1_j3qwmt2 wrote

To: Mods

Subject: Poop data

Is it just me, or are these sorts of data sets the opposite of beautiful?

(And while we're on the subject, shouldn't it be "dataarebeautiful"?)


VelcroSea t1_j3qztei wrote

Depends on the type there are 8 to 10 types


ClownAdriaan t1_j3r0ay2 wrote

I think you need to see a doctor


osopherre t1_j3r2m8a wrote

I probably went 10 times yesterday


B33rP155 t1_j3r3rwb wrote

A variation of “anal retentive”


siddartha08 t1_j3rbwd2 wrote

Now show correlation to spicy food


Direct-Ad2561 t1_j3rit05 wrote

All that’s missing is the average poop per day...


Shagyam t1_j3seydc wrote

Now this is a poop schedule.


AV8R_1951 t1_j3tbp2s wrote

Waaaaaaaaaay too much information.


[deleted] t1_j3wvgli wrote

I feel like I know you intimately now


corpseonline t1_j486grv wrote

Very very interesting! Though perhaps you should see a doctor, 5 poops are a lot.


VelcroSea t1_j3ps9m6 wrote

Do you not take extra magnesium to get things to move out of your gut?


lovelikemeow OP t1_j3q1322 wrote

I actually stopped taking magnesium in 2021 because of the laxative qualities


Kitchen-Grass672 t1_j3o8639 wrote

Wtf is wrong with you people?


dkran t1_j3oew1u wrote

Wtf is wrong with you? You wanted data.