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Aelok t1_j3qyv1g wrote

Came here just to mention Comic Con in Atlanta. The price af admission is definitely unfair profiteering but it's a cool experience if you can get a shared room with 4-10 other people to actually pay a reasonable price. Also parking is a HUGE problem there and there is 0 tolerance for late payments on parking. I was 7 minutes late to pay my parking because of a Dragon Con parade blocked the street for a bit. There are a lot of miserable money grubbing experience tainting Cons of all kinds, but the Con itself is still enjoyable if you find ways to carpool and sleep like canned sardines.

I got lucky and roomed with a bunch of party goers that spent the vast majority of their time NOT in the room, so we kind of alternated sleep that way. It was a social marathon but an amazing experience and people's costumes were hilarious. Literally the only bad part was trying to sleep without paying hundreds or thousands a night, and trying to drive in that packed city during an event is just a bad idea.

Oh, do NOT leave the hotels at night. The night life scene of Atlanta is wild and dangerous. Even in daylight shit is unsafe to take the subway far from the convention. The defib emergency device in the subway was smashed into and stolen, all the first aid looted, and the cabinet had since been filled with dust. This was with 2-3 guards present at the Convention's stop.


KDY_ISD t1_j3qzchb wrote

> Even in daylight shit is unsafe to take the subway far from the convention.

lol Don't take MARTA anywhere, D*C or no. I could've told you that.

Yeah, getting a room at a reasonable rate can be a pain, but once you do it once you're in the grandfathered group to get first chance at one next year. It's really worth staying at the con so you can enjoy all the late-night activities and socializing. D*C is the best con I've been to, nothing else is quite like it. Every group of four nerds from every small town for 800 miles all show and realize they are not alone. It's an insane sense of camaraderie and exuberance.