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matthevva OP t1_j3wxbg8 wrote

We link to the methodology at the end of the article

Methodology for the “Metaverse Survey”
To get a bird’s eye view of the market, we designed a series of questions that asked about the respondent’s metaverse usage habits (if any) as well as their perception of the technology and its future.
For a more detailed explanation, follow the link here to learn more about our survey process:


torchma t1_j3x0ssc wrote

That's hardly a more detailed explanation. You still don't answer the questions. If you are reporting survey data you need to fully describe your sampling frame, what defines the sample population, how you obtained contact information, how you contacted potential respondents, how many potential respondents you contacted and how many actually participated (so that you can report the all-important response rate), etc., etc.

This reads like a high school project.