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TheCriticalAmerican t1_j40q6gd wrote

So... Germany has 35% less natural gas.... I wonder what their change in demand is, because a 35% reduction in supply is fairly drastic.


hcrx OP t1_j40qayb wrote

I think it is less a reduction in demand and more a combination of wanting to get out of Russia gas + lack of supply elsewhere.


Bemxuu t1_j418qmi wrote

Also, Russia has stopped supplying gas through some of their pipes in July. Remember all that jazz about maintenance, turbines stuck in Sweden, Germany vouching for Russia to get the turbines, and that ultimately not leading to resumption (if that's the word) of gas supply through those pipes? Guess what were the months :)

Some of those 35% is most likely explained by that.


BurningPenguin t1_j40s0v0 wrote

Tanks were filled to the brim in the last months before winter. Of course we imported less.


tscheric t1_j40v8dh wrote

There are some slight changes for big consumers. (e.g. public swimming pools reduced temperature) Also people are told to watch their consume (which happens automatically when gasprices increase, my gasprices per kWh are doubled) And last one is a big storage infrastructure (old salt caverns) and the hope that the winter won't be that hard. On the long term germany tries to convert the system more to renewables, especially in the heating sector (hydrogen or heat pumps, but this will take some time)


Psyc3 t1_j41825n wrote


You have one years data set.

For all you know that have 1000% more natural gas than any other year.


Ok-Inspection-9797 t1_j41fi6f wrote

I think Germany was at peak buying at this year start and then went to normal amount of buying I am not sure though if somebody has the data it will be helpful


FleXXger t1_j41qbz1 wrote

And there is less demand. By using other sources to generate electricity and heating.