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lazyant t1_j49m5sm wrote

Andorrans (official language is Catalan) may have an issue being called Spanish speaking country.

Anyways, charts follows more or less that the richer the country, the more tendency to more heavy metal bands. In Europe is the Nordic countries.


UsandoFXOS OP t1_j4hf4eq wrote

Yes, i know: Andorra, in fact, is the unique country in the world which official language is catalan, but also spanish and french, obviously because their geographical position. I perfectly know tha country, i lived for 40 years in Barcelona (2h by car) and i've family living there.

But in the daily day, spanish is equally spoken than catalan, and french in a third place. Anyway, i'm quite sure that ALL (100%) Andorra born citizens (not "imported") speak spanish. Nevertheless, nobody remember to include Andorra as an "spanish-speaking" country.

I've not included them for other statistical graphs, specially international rankings because usually i only consider countries with a one million population. But in this case, the relevant metric was "bands per capita", so it had interest to know that although Andorra has just less than 80k citizens, they have 6 metal bands !! only Metal !! This was a great surprise for me... enough to be included here 😅