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nrith t1_j6p2mdi wrote

For the most part, demand for tech products has not decreased, so why aren't we pointing fingers at management for overhiring in the first place?


coberh t1_j6p5c2l wrote

Not a great graph, TBH. Text is too small and not very legible.


st4n13l t1_j6pcho7 wrote

There's plenty of that. Almost every article I read about these layoffs points out that companies overestimated demand growth and hired too quickly.


proctor1717 t1_j6pf4lu wrote

Data isn’t right here. Also maybe more fitting for percent of population. Tells a different story than quantity alone.


Savage_X t1_j6pj1h7 wrote

If you showed their net hiring since Covid, it would be a drastically different story. Most of these companies still have headcount well above their pre-covid levels.


Savage_X t1_j6pjhhd wrote

Growth prospects have varied wildly over the last few years. From things like Covid changing the entire consumer and corporate landscape, to inflation and the Federal Reserve whipsawing interest rates around dramatically, there is little way to predict what is going to happen even in the near future.


Savage_X t1_j6pk1xs wrote

> Due to different hiring practices, Apple did not do massive layoffs.

Right, they outsource the layoffs to Foxconn.