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navagrw t1_j57rt4k wrote

India on the bottom left?! This is horseshit!


Pros_n_cons t1_j59vaw0 wrote

Not on the basis of religion, but I think on the basis of trust of population on the government and it's agencies.


navagrw t1_j59vlsb wrote

well for that matter nobody trusts the CBI lapdogs - and do you really think a Mig-21 shot down an F-16 ?


Pros_n_cons t1_j59wize wrote

Attack CBI all you want, but do you really wanna question our military? There's no reason a Mig-21 can't shoot down a F-16 if the pilot was more experienced. You're taking word of Pakistan government over Indian, and it's not about goverment only, its about forces. You can have your opinion, but just don't perpetuate Pakistan's claims.


navagrw t1_j59x5i8 wrote

I'm neither questioning the competence of our military, which is way >paf, nor perpetuating their claims, I'm shunning the Govt and IAF for lack of transparency, given how bad our squadron strengths are. People need to be realistic and solution oriented, and not get carried away by the harshness of the truth that our armed forces are suffering from bureaucracy and ineptitude.


Pros_n_cons t1_j59y6gb wrote

I know limitations of our forces, that's why I don't perpetuate war with any nation. Our forces don't have modern arms, defence, equipments, etc. Major portion of our budget goes to pays and pensions. The bureaucracy and politics have almost made our military primitive, compared to other similar nations. But I do trust that things a looking up onwards. It will take decades to truly make our forces capable of fighting a two-front war, and winning without anyone's support. I have hope in Make in India initiative, whatever the result maybe, whoever business man makes money, if my India can get on with the global nations, I'm ready to pay the price.

And I think alot of people in India might think that way. I know, I know, realistically I shouldn't completely trust the goverment, but is there a choice. Majority of our politicians are inept to lead the nation. However many flaws might be present in this goverment, I do hope it retains the power.