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DefinitelyNotMasterS t1_j5ac0y6 wrote

What do the numbers even mean? Why did you list frameworks that don't even have a 1? Lot's of things that could be improved here


Ornery-Fail-9860 OP t1_j5as6pu wrote

Thanks a lot for your comments, I appreciate them. ;-)

The numbers give some clues about what skills big companies are looking for, as I mentioned it is an in-progress project, so I hope to scrape more companies in a wider time frame to see real trends.

I listed zero job posts frameworks because I wanted to show that there are other popular frameworks that don't be demanded in those NASDAQ top 100 companies, so it could give some guidance to those who are thinking in study them, even though they are popular, big companies are not demanding them.

Please, tell me what other things can be improved here.


bokilala t1_j59wr5r wrote

According to Glassdoor, Android and iOS are the most in demand mobile operating systems.


vk6flab t1_j5a2e50 wrote

Given that those are pretty much the only two left, that's not surprising in any way.


bokilala t1_j5a7nc0 wrote

Yes that's my point


Ornery-Fail-9860 OP t1_j5at9zt wrote

Do you mean that it is not a piece of relevant information (this chart)? In my case, I had expected to see Ionic as the third one, but it was not mentioned


Ornery-Fail-9860 OP t1_j59oyip wrote


Tools Used: Python, flourish

Mobile hybrid platforms sources:


I´m a middle age software engineer, since I started to work on software I’ve worked as a developer, software architect, consultant and software manager. At this point I’m looking for new opportunities/experiences in a very changing and wide industry, I like a lot of things in our industry from cognitive computing to mobile/wearable development, this is why I’ve started an in-progress work to analyze skills trends companies are looking for.

My starting point:

Companies list: NASDAQ top 100 (because they are de biggest companies, so I think they impose trends)

Source: LinkedIn job posts

Tools: Apache nutch (to crawl and scrap job posts), python and flourish (to analyze and visualize trends)

Time frame: December and November mainly, but there are job posts since August

Posts amount: 40.396

These are my first results, answering this personal question (as I mentioned, I’m interested in mobile development as well): “what mobile hybrid platforms are companies working on and demanding skills?”

Does it match your personal experiences?

What additional questions would you like to ask?


cornfeedhobo t1_j5a2tuk wrote

Flutter isn't all that bad. Honestly, the biggest drag is the Cupertino fawning. Material is much more well researched before codifying the design.


AgnosticAsian t1_j5abigr wrote

Flutter is fast af. Biggest downside is that you have to learn Dart which is its own thing.

It's not that big of a jump to React Native if you already know React.


jakubkonecki t1_j5c5o1l wrote

You got me at "According to LinkedIn".