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camxus t1_j5jct56 wrote

i appreciate u doing research and i agree. u literally repeated my point. “NATURALLY” has nothing to do with biological in my prev context. i repeatedly already said natural abilities in context to what skills people have tendencies for be it biological, cultural, societal doesnt matter.

for lost engineering positions while communication is a part of the job it isn’t the most important part. female PMs are better than males for instance. There is space for women leads in tech. My point is that a majority of women wouldn’t do well in the Engineering department due to reasons you highlighted above


camxus t1_j5jd8ts wrote

i appreciate u doing research and i agree. u literally repeated my point. “NATURALLY” has nothing to do with biological in my prev context. i repeatedly already said natural abilities in context to what skills people have tendencies for be it biological, cultural, societal doesnt matter.

for most engineering positions while communication is a part of the job it isn’t the most important part. female PMs are better than males for instance. There is space for women leads in tech. My point is that a majority of women wouldn’t do well in the Engineering department due to reasons you highlighted above

also i’m not sexist. you just don’t see the value women’s roles hold in society. If women don’t do them and men can’t society would fall apart. best luck to you


camxus t1_j5jegtd wrote

also i think you should read a bit more of that meta analysis especially on:

Sex and Gender

Biological and Innate

Abilities and Achievement

> Humans are born with innate abilities, such as the ability to learn a language, but the language they learn, if any, depends largely on their experience. Similarly, they are born with the innate ability to count and discern quantities, but how they develop those abilities depends on their environment and learning experiences. Abilities are developed in supportive environments.

ALSO science and engineering are very different fields. The relationship between male and female scientists is way more balanced than that of m:f engineers. You’re trying to make the woke point that women and men have exactly the same aptitudes and this is simply false. OFC there are women who have aptitudes usually found in males but that’s not the usual case. There’s so many biological and societal factors that makes us different from another.