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rustyfries t1_j5iwshl wrote

> My own stadium (St James Park) in Newcastle is the only U.K. club soccer stadium in the centre of the city

Surely that can't be right? Ipswich Town and Hartlepool are both pretty much smack in the middle of the city at least going off where Google Maps puts that city centre.

Not to mention all the clubs in London that represent different suburbs.


Sgtdeweyfish t1_j5j1azd wrote

Aren’t both Nottingham stadiums in the city centre (judging that on the proximity of hooters to the stadium)


Magneto88 t1_j5iy844 wrote

It isn’t right, there’s quite a few stadiums that are just in or outside the town/city centres in the UK. Maybe right if you literally mean a few streets off the high street: The vast majority would be within the 5 mile range on this infographic aside from the odd stadium built within the last 10/20 years.