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jrhooo t1_j5p9je8 wrote


A big philosophy right now is to create the stadium and surrounding areas a "entertainment districts".

Idea being, you develop the entire block as a part of town people come for recreation, and on game day, the games fuel increased profits for local bars and restaurants.

Same thing for concert or festival days.

And all together the bar and food scene helps create a return on investment on the city development effort that the stadium would have asked for anyways. (Meaning, if they are going to do the effort to run subways lines, repair roads, make the area transport accessible, might as well set up business that will benefit from it other than just a stadium)

That in turn also raises the property values of the hotels and residential buildings in the area, because the stadiums and concert stages bring investment in keeping the roads nice and local area clean and pretty, and the nicer retail outlets come in trying to get a piece of that partygoer spending, so then the apts/condos in that area are suddenly in the middle of the hot new nice area

They're calling them "Multi-Use areas or something now. All I know is, the wharf music area (The Anthem concert venue, Union Stage venue), and Nationals Park baseball stadium are all close enough to each other to walk, which means the same public infrastructure supports both, and the same bars, clubs, and shopping outlets benefit from their proximity to them

DC United soccer stadium bottom - National Park Baseball Stadium top