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eveniwontremember t1_j5j4cks wrote

How much is too much protein for 1 meal. I think that this chart draws you to the biggest option being the best in terms of protein per dollar but the biggest option would be bad on other ways, certainly too many calories and probably too much protein.


eveniwontremember t1_j5j4mr4 wrote

Fine and thanks.

I was just thinking that if I had the source spreadsheet then I might want to set a limit on protein (at say 40) and ask which is the cheapest option to get my limit of protein. Too much protein consumption just leads to expensive piss.


H3l1m4g3 t1_j5jbmdh wrote

So what I gather from both comparisons is that cheeseburgers are always very good value for your money.


DespairTraveler t1_j5jfrm9 wrote

It doesn't matter how much muscle you have, as it's weight dependent number. Protein is also important in not-losing muscle. 1g/kg is about recommended amount not to lose muscles in general, even if you don't partake in fitness.

Anyway, my point was to OP - it's really hard to overeat in protein. Until a very high number, which is hard to achieve, protein is the best choice, compared to fat or carbs.


switch495 t1_j5kbwok wrote

Did you mix up bacon king and bacon king xxl... why would the xxl be cheaper with less protein ?


ladsp t1_j5kbyta wrote

Whopper whopper whopper whopper…


switch495 t1_j5kkcpw wrote

first entry on the chart is bacon king, and the second is bacon king xxl. undermines the credibility of the whole thing if the first thing you see appears to be an error. not critical, just sharing what i thought was a error for correction.


Fancy_Female t1_j5l2bvx wrote

The green ones should also be in red; eating this food up to your daily caloric intake would be an insufficient amount of protein for hypertrophy.


Fancy_Female t1_j5l2unm wrote

Why are people so concerned with eating so much protein? Tell me just how many people in your life have suffered complications from too much protein. Now tell me how many people have health problems from overconsumption of sugar.

Also, of the people who over consume food to the point of overweightedness, how many of them overconsume grilled chicken, steamed shrimp, seared salmon, or other foods whose calories are mostly made up from protein? It's okay; I already know the answer.


thatguy11 t1_j5l5zmi wrote

Why the shit doesn't MacD's have chili burgers in Texas... of all places... WEAK! (thanks for the info though!!)


myusernamehere1 t1_j5lb7ic wrote

Nope. You can definitely start pissing protein if you have to much of it. Thing is, this typically only occurs with either some specific health conditions, or if you are eating way to much of a protein supplement.


Striking-Tip7504 t1_j5lfgmv wrote

Protein recommendations should actually be based on how much muscle you have. Or more accurately, your lean body mass.

Using weight is fine and is often used as that’s a number the general public actually knows. I mean who knows their lean body mass who isn’t an athlete/bodybuilder? It’s also perfectly functional unless you’re massively overweight. So the distinction is not that relevant.

Basically if you’re like 150-200kg and very fat. You don’t need to be eating massive amounts of protein.

You’re completely right that overeating protein is irrelevant for 99,9% of people though. The protein per meal limits were calculated on fast digesting pure protein shakes. But if you eat before/with your shake or just eat food your body has much more time to digest all the protein.


AftyOfTheUK t1_j5mex2m wrote

>That’s an unnecessary amount of protein for people who aren’t weight training or maintaining a large amount of muscle

Recommendations for sedentary (that is, people without much exercise) adults are about 0.75g/kg

I'd agree 2g/kg is high, but 1g/kg is pretty much a basic need if you're doing any kind of exercise a few times per week and want muscle for anything - from hiking, to recreational sports, ability to move things around your house safely etc.. And if you're not, you need to start doing it, and then up your protein intake!


Shamino79 t1_j5o0qcz wrote

Funnily enough the plant based nuggets are still at the bottom.