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canbooo t1_j8ohxf9 wrote

Esp. in engineering applications, i.e. with complex systems/philysics, fundamental physical equations are known but not how they influence each other and the observed data. Alternatively, these are too expensive to compute for all possible states. In those cases, we already build ML models using the data to, e.g. optimize design or do stuff like predictive maintenance. However, these models often do not generalize well to out of domain samples and producing samples is often very costly since we either need laboratory experiments or actually create some design that are bound to fail (stupid but for clarity: think planes with rectangular wings, cranes so thin they could not even pick up a feather. Real world use cases are more complicated to fit in these brackets). In some cases, the only available data may be coming from products in use and you may want to model failure modes without observing them. In all these cases PINNs could help. However, none of the models I have tested so far are actually robust to real world data and require much more tuning compared to MLPs, RNNS etc, which are already more difficult to tune compared to more conventional approaches. So I am yet to find an actual use case that is not academic.

TLDR; physics (and simulations) may be inefficient/inapplicable in some cases. PINNs allow us to embed our knowledge about the first principles in form of inductive bias to improve generalization to unseen/unobservable ststes.


nibbajenkem t1_j8ojasp wrote

Of course, more inductive biases trivially lead to better generalization. Its just not clear to me why you cannot forego the neural network and all its weaknesses and instead simply optimize the coefficients of the physical model itself. I.e in the example in OP, why have a physics-based loss with a prior that it's a damped oscillator instead of just doing regular interpolation on whatever functional class(es) describe the damped oscillators?

I don't have much physics expertise beyond the basics so I might be misunderstanding the true depth of the problem though


canbooo t1_j8onqb4 wrote

No, valid question, I just find it difficult to give examples that are easy to understand but let me try. Yes OPs example is not a good one to demonstrate the use case. Let us think about a swarm of drones and their physics, specifically the airflow around them. Hypothetically, you maybe able to describe the physics for a single drone accurately, although this would probably take quite some time in reality. Think days on a simple laptop for a specific configuration if you rally want high accuracy. Nevertheless, if you want to model say 50 drones, things get more complicated. Airflow of one effects the behavior/airflow of others, new turbulence sources and other effects emerge. Actually simulating such a complex system may be infeasible even with supercomputers. Moreover, you are probably interested in many configurations like flight patterns, drone design etc. so that you can choose the best one. In this case, doing a functional interpolation is not very helpful due to the interactions and new emerging effects as we only know the form of the function for a single drone. Sure, you know the underlying equations but you still can't really predict the behavior of the whole without solving them, which is as mentioned costly. The premise of PINNs in this case is to learn to predict the behaviour of this system and the inductive bias is expected to decrease the number of samples required for generalization.