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suflaj t1_j9qectx wrote

That is peanuts for the datasets they are trained on. We're talking datasets in the order of terabytes, and the model doesn't usually even iterate over more than 10% of that. So you can't even overfit a model unless you're dealing with duplicates because you will never even go through the whole dataset.

Even if the model had 1 trillion parameters and iterated over the whole dataset, it would be too small for the number of relations contained within a dataset of 1 trillion+ bytes. AND THAT'S IF THEY WERE LINEAR, which they are (usually) NOT.

So there is large overhead in needing multiple sets of parameters to define just one type of relation. Not to mention that some of these models are trained on data pairs, which means the SQUARE of that number of relations. We're talking about physically impossible number of parameters here, which will require solutions radically different that simple matrix multiplication and nonlinear activations.


OnceReturned t1_j9rb03o wrote

>We're talking about physically impossible number of parameters here, which will require solutions radically different that simple matrix multiplication and nonlinear activations.

Solutions for what, exactly? Memorizing the entire internet (or entire training set, but still)?