Submitted by SpigotNerd t3_11oo58v in deeplearning


I am trying to find out how to make a RL neural network in java, probably using PPO ig? The problem is, that I am too lazy to do it myself, so I tried to find some library, but I wasn't very successful with finding some examples how to use anything. This is my first time I am trying to make a neural network in java (I've used them in other languages, but I have to use java this time), so I am a total noob in this field. So, can you recommend me some libraries? I found DL4J, but I didn't find anything about how to use ppo to train networks with it.

Thanks for any response



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morifo t1_jbu6rs8 wrote

OP u ok mate?


deepneuralnetwork t1_jbu43a1 wrote

> in Java

but why?


SpigotNerd OP t1_jbukdj8 wrote

I need to add it as a mod for a java game and I am trying to avoid having a second program in a different language because I am too lazy to do it, so I was asking if there is some better solution.


stillworkin t1_jbtoisd wrote

Huh? What are you trying to build? Is your primary interest RL or building a simple NN? What task are you trying to solve? I programmed in Java daily from 2002 - 2015, then switched to Python in 2015. I'd suggest you not use Java because you can get practice w/ the same fundamentals without having to write so much verbose code.

If your goal is to learn fundamentals, I'd suggest you start w/ just numpy and no additional libraries. If you're already very comfortable w/ PyTorch, then I'd suggest using JAX.


SpigotNerd OP t1_jbulrzc wrote

My primary interest is RL, because I need it for my project (I don't think, that standard NN would work, because the enviroment changes so rapidly, that I can't use multiple agents, bec the results won't be comparable). I know some basics - I used TensorFlow in python for few times and I've built my own simple NN using matrix multiplication in unity few years ago. I just don't know much about RL and I don't know anything about neural networks in java, but I am trying to mod a java game and I didn't want to write the project in two languages before asking if there is some less wired solution.


mmeeh t1_jbwcubc wrote

oh no, not java -_-