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Praise_AI_Overlords t1_jdm1iu6 wrote


Do you know anything about malaria?


R_K_J-DK OP t1_jdm8u8o wrote

I know that in malaria ridden areas, muslims are not required to remove shoes when entering their praying buildings, because mosque-y toe control is essential.


R_K_J-DK OP t1_jdmbcs2 wrote

I also know that crossing a mosquito with a mountain climber is impossible, because you can't cross a vector with a scaler!


Praise_AI_Overlords t1_jdnx9qj wrote


Here's some mosquito jokes from GPT-4

Why did the mosquito go to art school? Because it wanted to learn how to draw blood!

What do mosquitoes and vampires have in common? They both suck!

Why did the mosquito get a job at the blood bank? To make sure it always had a fresh supply!

What's a mosquito's favorite sport? Skin-diving!

What do you call a mosquito with a GPS? A "bloodhound"!

Why was the mosquito always the life of the party? It knew how to get under everyone's skin!

What did the mosquito say to the bartender? "I'll have a Bloody Mary, and hold the Mary!"

What's a mosquito's favorite band? The Buzz!

Why do mosquitoes make terrible comedians? Their jokes always leave a bad itch!

Why did the mosquito join the orchestra? It heard they needed a little more buzz!