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AKavun OP t1_j3l4gb1 wrote

u/trajo123 u/FastestLearner u/trajo123

I am giving this as a general update. In my original post, I said "I am doing something very obvious wrong" and indeed I was. The reason my model did not learn at all was that the whole python script with the exception of my main method was being re-executed every few seconds which actually caused my model to reinitilize and reset. I believe this was caused by PyTorch's handling of the "num_workers" parameter in the dataloader which tries to do some multithreading magic and ends up re-executing the script multiple times.

So fixing that allowed my model to learn but it still performed poorly due to the reasons all of you so generously explained in great detail. My first instinctive reaction to this was to switch to resnet18 and change the output layer. I also switched to crossentropy loss as I learned I can still use softmax in postprocessing to obtain the prediction confidence, this was something I did not think it was possible to do previously. Now my model performs with 90% accuracy in my test set and rest I think is just tweaking the hyperparameters, enlarging and augmenting the data, and maybe doing some partial training with different learning rates etc.

However I still do want to learn how to design an architecture from scratch so I am experimenting with that after carefully reading the answers you provided. I thank each of you so much and wish all the success in your careers. You are great people and we are a great community


trajo123 t1_j3lwv4f wrote

> 90% accuracy in my test

Looking at accuracy can be misleading if your dataset is imbalanced. Let's say 90% of your data is labelled as False and only 10% of your data is labelled as True, so even a model that doesn't look at the input at all and just predicts False all the time will have 90% accuracy. A better metric for binary classification is the F1 score, but that also depends on where you set the decision threshold (the default is 0.5, but you can change that to adjust the confusion matrix). Perhaps the most useful metric to see how much your model learned is the Area under the ROC curve aka ROC_AUC score (where 0.5 is the same as random guessing and 1 is a perfect classifier).