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RubCapital1244 t1_j9uln9h wrote

Two main reasons:

(i) to get to space you need to escape earths gravity completely which requires much more energy than just flying above the surface as regular planes do. You need a shed load more fuel and so need big fuel tanks; and

(ii) travelling through Earths atmosphere is crazy destructive (that’s why things burn up coming back down to earth) so you need special design to withstand the heat.

TLDR: planes don’t go very high compared to rockets.


Red_AtNight t1_j9uow65 wrote

The key reason you're missing is that planes generate lift by moving through the air. As they fly higher, the air is thinner, and thus produces less lift. Planes would eventually reach an altitude where they can no longer climb because they can no longer generate enough lift to climb any higher.


RubCapital1244 t1_j9up6xz wrote

Ahh yes. I was thrown by OPs comment about the fuel tanks…

Three main reasons haha