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dkf295 t1_ja8kk9f wrote

Unless you plan to live 100% on public assistance (which has its own notable downsides and tradeoffs), life costs money. You have no guarantee of getting another job/in any particular timeframe - what happens if you quit your job without another one lined up, then something happens like your car breaking down or getting evicted? Even if you did have the money saved up, good luck getting a loan or apartment without any income. And yeah, at this moment it's a hot job market but what happens if there's another financial crash or pandemic and everyone and their uncle gets laid off again? You're screwed.

Being unemployed is also quite expensive (especially if you don't get unemployment, as would be the case if you voluntarily quit) - If you're making $2000 a month now, that's $2000 a month you're not earning while you're looking for a new job.