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bruk_out t1_j9oidgt wrote

In addition to the reasons mentioned already, ski helmets are designed to take multiple hits, but you toss a bike helmet after it takes one.


femmestem t1_j9op4ec wrote

Ski/Snowboard helmets are also supposed to be tossed after one hit. There are helmets with special material that allow multiple hits, which is manufactured for both bikes and snow sports, but it's not interent to ski helmets.


JoushMark t1_j9oqoy1 wrote

Good point! Any helmet that takes a hit, or even gets dropped hard, should be carefully inspected to make sure the shell is intact and the interior materials aren't compromised. Buying a new helmet is much, much cheaper then treating a head injury.


femmestem t1_j9orgdb wrote

>Buying a new helmet is much, much cheaper then treating a head injury.

This was a convincing argument for me to stop acting dumb about safety. I crashed while using a brand new helmet and was put out about having to shell out over $100 in the same season. I had to be reminded that it's expensive because it protects my friggin brain!


FowlOnTheHill t1_j9p3hjk wrote

Your friggin brain is still working well, that’s good news!