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Enzo-chan OP t1_ja5nv0e wrote

Reply to comment by SsurebreC in ELI5: Why do we get old? by Enzo-chan

Fascinating, can you tell me more please?

I read about epigenetics and how David Sinclair and his team supposedly reversed the clock of some of mice's cells, I don't study the field so I don't understand anything at all, lol.

Also there are Aubrey de Grey claiming to use senolytics, NAD+ injections, and even Telomerase could work to treat the Hayflick limit, extending health and lifespan.

Are David Sinclair/Aubrey de Grey dishonests scams? I mean, can their techniques be replicated by the scientific community? I don't want to believe any treatment until they're actually proven to work.


SsurebreC t1_ja5ovcv wrote

I'm not an expert but I bet there are issues of scale here. We're men, not mice, after all.

There's another issue which is discussed in a scifi series called Altered Carbon. Presuming we could have a very long lifespan, imagine what that would do to people as far as careers and retirement planning. It would be a massive disaster.


Enzo-chan OP t1_ja5pkec wrote

A very long lifespan would be a headache, read somewhere years ago that our brain can only support 300 years in memory if kept healthy. If that is true I think we'd start forgetting things after 200 years. 300 years we would start sense the world aa if we were plants I suppose.