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ots125 OP t1_ja23m3n wrote

This actually helps a lot thank you


RighteouslyNeutral t1_ja27v7r wrote

Ever see something wired up with electrical wires and there is just bundles of crazy wires all jammed in together and you wonder how you would even know what each of those wires even does? A circuit board is just a way to connect all those tiny components with tiny little electrical connections. The real magic is how they create them to efficiently utilize the least amount of space. Like packing a ton of stuff in a little suitcase. Imagine you had an electronic that had dozens of little electrical components to connect together. If you start using wires it quickly becomes a mess no matter what you do. Those little circuit boards can connect all the little parts with little space, and better than that they can basically be printed out with machines and cut to shape and heated up and all the little chips just get shoved into their tiny holes and get soldered into place. You can wire tons of stuff together in a tiny space just by making it small enough and finding the most efficient way to connect them together that uses the least amount of space or fits a shape that the circuit board needs to fit into.