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SpaceAngel2001 t1_jaeyhj0 wrote

>generally there's less money to be made in cheaper products. Compare a Dollar General to an Apple Store, it's pretty obvious which company is more successful.

Ummm...Dollar Gen will open more stores this year than Apple has in total. You used a Really bad example. See Walmart. There's lots of money to be made in high volume low markup sales.


weinerpretzel t1_jaf0uhm wrote

Dollar General has a Market Cap of 48.36 Billion, Apple’s is 2.33 Trillion, roughly 48 times more. Safe to say Apple is a bit more successful


Mayor__Defacto t1_jaf06oe wrote

Apple has billions and billions in net profit running a ~24% margin on their flagship products. Dollar General nets about $29k per store per year. Apple makes that selling 100 phones.


SpaceAngel2001 t1_jaf0mhq wrote

You moved the goal posts. It was about comparing stores. DG is one of USA's most successful retailers.
