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Sparky81 t1_j93i6js wrote

Gaslighting is a tactic for manipulating someone in a way that makes them question their own reality.


Po0rYorick t1_j93jiq7 wrote

No it isn’t. You’re just imagining things.


Sparky81 t1_j93jtmn wrote

Im not having this aforementioned argument with you again


tr14l t1_j93idn9 wrote

Gaslighting is telling someone something is true when it isn't, or isn't true when it is. The effect is basically to convince not to trust their own perception. This term comes from an old play in which a husband continually adjusted the gas-fueled lamps in their house to be dimmer and dimmer over time. His wife would complain about it and he would lie and say they were as bright as they'd ever been. The effect was to make her think she was crazy.


WarlandWriter t1_j93loj9 wrote

While gaslighting may at first glance seem a tad silly, as thought it's just dumb pranks, and the harm of it is perhaps not immediately apparent, it is a tactic commonly employed by abusers. (I guess it is abuse in and of itself? No matter, that's semantics.) The idea is that if your abuser causes you to trust their judgment over your own, they can get away with more and more horrible shit.

"No, silly, I didn't hit you, you hit your head on the cabinet door, remember?" "I know your friend told you I'm bad news, but I think she's actually bad news so maybe you shouldn't hang out with her anymore." It gives the abuser a tremendous amount of control over the victim's life.


lelma_and_thouise t1_j93p6zz wrote

Yea, it's brutal. My ex gaslit me constantly, among other abuse tactics. I'm lucky to have gotten out. He abandoned our son the literal second he realized he couldn't control me anymore, which in one way sucks that my son doesn't have a dad in his life, but on the other hand my son is growing up in an environment with zero toxicity and zero abuse. I choose the latter over the former :)


WarlandWriter t1_j94wfed wrote

I'm so sorry to hear that. Good you managed to get out, and I would agree that a healthy family without a dad is better than a toxic family with a dad.


MacSanchez t1_j93im6w wrote

How do you not get this? We were all taught what this was at a very young age and the fact that you don’t get it makes me wonder what other simple concepts you can’t grasp.

This was a half-assed attempt at gaslighting, which is a psychological attack to make someone question their own sanity or understanding of the topic at hand


Bradvicious11 t1_j93j4js wrote

Lol, dammit, I was so ready to light you up until I got to the second paragraph. 😂


LAMBKING t1_j93mta0 wrote

Same. We got bamboozled, and I'm strangely OK with it this time.


allen84 t1_j93i8ym wrote

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. The term "gaslighting" originates from the 1938 play "Gas Light," in which a husband attempts to convince his wife that she is going insane by manipulating her environment and denying things that he previously said or did.

In modern usage, gaslighting can take many forms, including denial of facts or events, persistent lying or misrepresentation, projection of one's own actions or beliefs onto another person, and manipulating someone's emotional responses to make them doubt themselves. Gaslighting can occur in a variety of settings, including personal relationships, workplace environments, and political or social contexts.

Gaslighting can be extremely damaging to the mental health and well-being of the targeted individual, and it can lead to feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt. It is important to be aware of the signs of gaslighting and to seek support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals if you suspect that you or someone you know is being gaslit.


cplog991 t1_j93jdzy wrote

In many instances, this word isnt being used correctly according to this


Cyranoreddit t1_j93k96d wrote

I have already explained it to you, did you not get it the first time?


dimlightupstairs t1_j93m78f wrote

No, you didn’t tell them about it at all. Why do you think you did?


Cyranoreddit t1_j93md0a wrote

Don't go playing games now... I have no time for this

...and scene.


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Lemesplain t1_j93on20 wrote

Lying to someone specifically in a way that makes them doubt their own memory or reality. Usually a long-term thing.

For example, if you and I are alone in an elevator, and I fart…. then blame you. With only 2 of us, we both absolutely know who farted, but maybe I can convince you that it was you. Even if you 99% know that it wasn’t actually you, that 1% doubt is the start of it.

Next time something happens, I blatantly lie again and get you to 2% doubt the obvious reality. On and on until you don’t believe your own brain.