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Phrazez t1_jaa4kc2 wrote

They look identical to us.

As humans we are much better at noticing small differences between humans than animals.

We are just more used to it.

Practical example, if you go to a farm, every cow looks almost the same to you, still the farmer can identify each on in mere seconds. Same reason, he sees them every day and notices every small difference, you don't.


Fritzkreig t1_jaa3ez6 wrote

Evolutionarily animals typically are better at interspecies recognition; it makes sense, one should people to tell individuals it spends the most time with apart.

In the same way humans of one genetic group often joke "All people of that genetic group look the same."

Cats, crows, dogs, horses, all these social creatures have cues to let them know individuals in their social network apart.


icpooreman t1_jaa4ywv wrote

So to those animals…. We all kind-of look alike as well.

You are biased, you have been genetically engineered to identify and remember small changes from face to face that if you weren’t a human wouldn’t be anywhere as recognizable. Heck, sometimes your own dog has to smell you before they fully recognize you (plus dogs have way more looks between breeds than humans do).

Plus, a lot of our biggest differences are simply fashion choices. Other animals tend not to have fancy clothes or hairstyles. Strip that away and do we look that different?

Plus, humans conquered the globe. So the differences between like italians and asians has more to do with having lived on different parts of the globe for a long time. Like there are lots of different deer out there because they’re everywhere and they evolved to their various environments. If they ever invented airplanes and started mixing you’d also cite diversity.


Flair_Helper t1_jaa5bqa wrote

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JostledTaters t1_jaa7xis wrote

Building off what other people have said about humans and our ability to discern each other so well - Our abilities suffer greatly if we even attempt to reliably see the difference between people of ethnicities outside of our environment’s norm/majority. I can’t remember exactly what the source was, but I watched a shocking documentary on how many black people in America were convicted by white juries based on witness accounts saying “yes it was them, they did it I saw them!” And later released based on actual evidence proving they could not have committed the crime.