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ColonelBoogie t1_ja90ub5 wrote

From a more philosophical standpoint, rights are accompanied by responsibilities. Sometimes, we codify those responsibilities in law. For example, you have the right to freedom of speech. You have the responsibility not cause harn to the person, property, or reputation of another through speech that is not true, hence libel and slander laws. You have the right to be armed. You have the responsibility to only use weapons for legitimate purposes. You have the right to a trial by a jury of your peers. You have the responsibility to serve as a juror when called upon to do so.

Sometimes I think we forget how absolutely incredible it I'd that most of us live under a system where human rights are codified I'm law. Most of our ancestors would be floored at the rights we enjoy. Serving on a jury is a very small price to pay for a legal system with fairness and objectivity as its goal.