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SuperTeamRyan t1_ja9dyfh wrote

During my selection some people did try this but the judge pushed back and essentially went down a line of reasoning that most weren’t able to follow through with. She kept 1 of them as an alternate, probably out of spite.


Sufficient-Green-763 t1_ja9ek90 wrote

I mean, in my case it's truthful. I've seen a lot of my state's problems in the public defense system (it's awful here), and for nonviolent crimes I'm pretty much 100% a not guilty protest vote from the outset.

But yeah, judges will respond differently. Some may keep you if they think you're trying to get out of it, but as long as you're respectful and not mocking about it, you've got a good chance and you won't be punished.

Now, I see one guy falsely claimed to have killed someone and would go into heroin withdrawals during the trial, and he got hit with contempt. Don't be an asshat 🤣