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Soccerfanatic18 t1_ja8trfa wrote

Accurate for the heel toe portion as most race cars have their pedals positioned for the driver to properly heel toe, but I feel like a large percentage of stick drivers can rev match. At least in my circle of manual drivers that seems to be the case


Frazeur t1_ja97xdn wrote

If you live in the states, then that is probably true since most manual drivers tend to be somewhat enthusiastic about cars over there. But a majority of all manual drivers don't live in the US.

Here in Europe, a vast majority of cars were manual still a few years back (still are I think, but almost all new cars are auto nowadays), which meant that everyone including your wife and granny (literally) were driving manuals. Which means that most manual drivers were the type of people who see cars as a mandatory but boring appliance. These people don't know how to rev match, let alone heel-toe.


Any-Growth8158 t1_ja9a1bg wrote

Very true. Many Americans are shocked at the cost of renting a car in Europe. They don't know how to drive a manual and automatics cost about twice as much to rent.

Manual transmissions are also a fairly effective anti-theft device here (US) as well. There have been cases where a carjacker tried to steal a car, found out it was manual, and left the car looking for something they could actually drive.