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defalt86 t1_jefqwtj wrote

Every force has an equal and opposite force, so when you jump, the same force does, in fact, apply to earth. But the Earth is so large that the force applied from the jump is nowhere near enough to move the earth any measurable amount.


defalt86 t1_jefrd3p wrote

Another fun answer is that motion is relative to your frame of reference. From the jumper's perspective, the Earth DOES move and its the jumper that remains still. Scientifically, both points of view are valid.


Alternative_Bar_6441 OP t1_jefrijx wrote

No she mean like the earth is spinning why when we jump we dont move even 1cm


freddwnz t1_jefymca wrote

Because we are moving at the same speed as the earth rotates. You don't just magically stop moving once you lift off from the floor, you are still spinning with the earth at the same speed, just like the air in the atmosphere.