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rkhbusa t1_jefzjd9 wrote

Relative to the earth you aren’t moving. The simplest way to explain it is using the car example, from inside a car cruising at highway speed you can drop a penny it will fall straight down to the floor of the vehicle as you perceive it relative to the car it didn’t move horizontally in space at all but when you look outside as you drop the penny it becomes evident that the penny has actually moved about 30 feet horizontally relative to the earth in the time from when it was released to when it hit the floor of the car. The earth is our car maintaining a constant velocity as it travels over its highway that is space, looking outside the windows of our car we can extrapolate that relative to the solar system and our universe we are moving very quickly but because we are all moving as one with our planet and there is no noticeable acceleration or deceleration, from our perspective relative to the earth we’re stationary.