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kylmith t1_je3y83c wrote

You know how you have a voice that helps you talk and say things? Well, different people also have voices, but they are not the same as yours. Some people say things differently than you do, even if they use the same words. This is called having an accent. Accents are like different ways of singing the same song. For example, you can sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” in a high voice or a low voice, or a fast voice or a slow voice. These are like different accents. Now imagine that different people live in different places, like different countries or cities. Sometimes these people don’t talk to each other very much, so they start to sing their songs differently. They may change some of the sounds or words in their songs, or they may make up new songs. These changes make their accents different from each other. For example, people who live in Australia may sing their songs differently than people who live in Britain or America, even if they use the same language. That’s why their accents are different.
