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RhinoG91 t1_jeg3nbo wrote

What? How did you come up with that?

No, the only difference is the position of the sun at any given instance in time. Google midnight sun or 24 hour darkness.

When it’s noon in one time zone, it’s noon everywhere in that time zone. Latitude has little bearing on the time. Our timekeeping is just to maintain a standard. Call someone in NorCal at noon and they’ll say it’s noon. Not 12:01. The sun would be lower in the sky compared to socal due to earth’s curvature, but “standard time” is just an agreed upon construct so we can all be harmonized.


Selfless- t1_jeg77g0 wrote

With Daylight Savings, noon is now at 1:00pm, since we all decided to call what’s actually 11:00am 12.


squidwards_noze OP t1_jeg3v6d wrote

Would the different position of the sun not indicate a slight, but unacknowledged difference of time?


frustrated_staff t1_jeg5rxr wrote

Only East to West. Not North to South. North to South only changes the height of the sun in the sky, not the amount of time it takes to pass through its path.