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AlanMorlock t1_je3rs66 wrote

None of which would work if they hadn't been allowed to vertically integrate and take over the ticketing for essentially every venue over a certain size. There's not another game in town.


WeDriftEternal t1_je3tk3g wrote

This was all working just as it is now even before the Live Nation merger. The merger didn't help the situation, but its not like it was any different before, because it wasn't.


remarkablemayonaise t1_je3y0fo wrote

Don't you guys have a competition commission to "anti trust" these mergers?


AlanMorlock t1_je4qm7o wrote

Functionally? Not really. Sometimes they feint at regulations but it's been a rubber stamp for most industries.


WeDriftEternal t1_je3y4ra wrote

This probably should have had conditions attached. I haven’t reviewed the case though.

Lots of times vertical integration is allowed easily though (for complex business reasons)