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dinosarahsaurus t1_jegwdts wrote

My partner and i did our wills a few years ago. We learned a "fun difference". I'm very frugal and I'm the higher income earner with incredible work provided life insurance. My partner is much more of a spender, money burns a hole in his pocket (he responded really well to budgeting and stuff, so its not an issue).

My will was first. We get to death/dying. I told him no extreme measures unless i can return to how i was before "whatever happened" and if my MS and arthritis have me in a wheelchair, absolute DNR. We get to funeral stuff. I hate ceremonies. 3 university degrees and I go to one graduation. I refuse to ever have a marriage and fuck bday parties. So my will says i want to be cremated. That he has to select the cheapest options, with having the crematorium put me in a ziploc bag would be fine. Then just throw away the ashes. I do not care. Just do not waste money on it. My beliefs are very soul based, the body is just a vehicle.

We get to my partner's and the mf-er wants full on open casket, full ceremony, headstone, plot in the graveyard, etc. I told him his life insurance isnt enough to cover what he wants so he better prepay. He just laughs but damn... our one diverging value is gonna get us after death. I assume he fes as uncomfortable with my plan as i do with his.