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BassBanjoBikes t1_jecl9kj wrote

The earth is like - and a buncha particles in the sky rub together and become + and then the difference causes 😡 which is loud


Cabrona818 t1_jeclh0m wrote

Thunder is the sound created when warm and cold air collides in a spectacular fashion. Lightning is a discharge of the static energy present when those air masses collide.

That’s what my momma taught me, anyway. Sounds reasonable.


Tristinmathemusician t1_jecqkqh wrote

Basically, the ice crystals in a thunderstorm rub up against each other and generate a massive static charge. Once this static charge becomes large enough, it discharges to the earth. Thunder happens because the air gets superheated and essentially explodes when the lightning discharges, generating a shockwave which you hear as the thunder.


Trilerium t1_jecqz27 wrote

Thunder and lightning happen when there is a buildup of electrical energy in the atmosphere during a storm. The storm clouds move around and create friction between each other, which causes the buildup of this electrical energy.

When the electrical energy becomes too strong, it is discharged in the form of lightning. Lightning is a giant spark that travels between the negatively charged bottom of the cloud and the positively charged ground.

The air around the lightning bolt heats up very quickly and expands rapidly, creating a shock wave that we hear as thunder. This is why we see the lightning first and then hear the thunder a few seconds later.


Saporificpug t1_jecs886 wrote

Lightning is basically static electricity between particles in clouds.

Normally the air/atmosphere is an insulator and doesn't allow current to flow. During a storm that produces lightning the voltage increases and starts to turn the air into plasma, which is conductive. Typically the biggest difference in charge is between the storm (-) and the ground (+), so the strike typically goes from the storm to the ground.

Thunder is the result of lightning. Basically it rapidly makes the air hotter and increases the pressure causing the air to expand quickly. The expansion of air is the sound of thunder.


oblivious_fireball t1_jedc8ce wrote

You ever zapped yourself on the finger after shuffling around and then touching something metal?

Lightning is basically that except the clouds are your finger and the piece of metal is the earth. One side has built up a charge of electrons that wants to equalize and move out, and when it finds a way to travel and escape, it takes it.

Thunder is caused because lightning heats the air around it to fives times hotter than the surface of the sun in a fraction of a second. Air expands when its heated, so thunder is basically the air violently exploding outwards.