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huskers2468 t1_jdl183y wrote

Memory reset and thought loops are what led me to stop for now. Mine were never horrific, just the same 30 seconds on repeat. It was more annoying than anything.

Trying to figure out why my vision is weird

Slowing down visuals

Asking myself or my wife a question I was confused on

Realizing I am tripping

Finally coming back mentally to enjoy the trip

-memory reset-

Trying to figure out why my vision is weird ...


vegandread t1_jdlaosb wrote

That’s exactly why I always preferred LSD to mushrooms. I get in these loops that cause anxiety and I’m not able to just settle. With LSD the intense moments ebb and flow, shrooms for me are just 100mph the whole time and I don’t find them enjoyable.

Except for microdosing. I really enjoyed that when I did some experimenting with it.


Basimi t1_jdl4u1c wrote

Yeah that's pretty much what I remember from mine. That and if I got up and stood i would start dying