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Soory-MyBad t1_jecrtjg wrote

Or, they would need to affix two 1.5 volt batteries in series in one long battery, except TV remotes have batteries next to each other to save space.

The answer is that 1.5v batteries provide diversitility in how they are used and mounted in devices.


dxrey65 t1_jef0s7g wrote

> "diversitility"

That's totally not a word. But I can see how it could be. I can just imagine Frigidaire or General Electric or someone coming out with a whole ad campaign about the diversitility of their products.


cimeran t1_jefvr3r wrote

How can this NOT be a word? Also, dibs on that for my rap name


simask234 t1_jeelwls wrote

My Samsung TV's remote has the batteries arranged vertically


afcagroo t1_jefwol7 wrote

Even in remotes where they are physically side by side, they are often electrically connected in series.


skittlebog t1_jegempw wrote

Can it be done, yes. Has it been done, yes. Is it worth doing in most cases, no. Lots of devices have been produced that used proprietary batteries. And they are a pain. I had 2 different wireless land line phones that used different battery packs that were basically 2 or 3 batteries wrapped together. I had to special order a new battery each time. It is much simpler to just use multiple standard batteries.