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mmmmmmBacon12345 t1_jefscax wrote

>Is this because we are using AC rather than DC, which creates far more and continuous emr and is capable of much greater induction?

You've misunderstood something somewhere along the way. You're throwing out words in ways that don't make sense

First, why are you discussing Electromagnetic radiation(assuming that's what EMR is since its uncommon to discuss) instead of electric field strength?

DC creates a static magnetic field and a static electric field. The strength of the magnetic field is proportional to the current and the strength of the electric field is proportional to the voltage

AC creates a changing magnetic and electric field but the strength of the magnetic field is still proportional to the current and the strength of the electric field is still proportional to the voltage

Inductance refers to how much energy is stored in the magnetic field and is a property of the windings and magnetic core, not the electricity being fed to it

Since the electric field is proportional to the voltage then the AC and DC ones will have the same average field. The AC will start a breakover a bit sooner due to the higher peak voltage, but if it breaks over the DC line won't stop arcing because the voltage never drops to zero. Its actually a lot harder to get DC to stop ionizing the air.