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Gibsorz t1_je9bxil wrote

I totally agree. I don't think any cop is signing up to spend half their time trying to manage the social issue of how we treat our homeless without being given proper education and inadequate training in the matter because no one else will do it. But that's what they are doing, because no one else will. So they will be more than happy to have things like that be transitioned to a better service. Im sure the term defund has a negative connotation in their circles, but that could be attributed to fear of being downsized (job loss), concern that this transition wouldn't be done right (because when, with a judicial system as fractured and varied as that of the USA is anything done right on a large scale) and they'll die because of it, believing that defund means remove funds in order to start the new programs - not start the new programs then scale back.

Like Afghanistan would have been a multiple generation operation if we truly wanted woman to keep their newfound rights, the defund movement will be as well. I don't think anyone has the appetite or attention for that in today's society - which is why I don't think it will happen.